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Give Your Best UK (Women & Children)

Give Your Best UK have an online catalogue of gifted women's and children's clothes/shoes/accessories which can be 'shopped' for free by people in the UK who are refugees, seeking asylum, victims of trafficking, destitute, with no recourse to public funds or with precarious immigration status. 

Register on the website.

Growbaby (Children aged 0-5)

The Gate Arts Centre, Keppoch Street, Cardiff. CF24 3JW

Tel: 029 2048 3344


Fridays from 10:00am to 11:45am in term time. 

Providing clothing and equipment for children aged 0 to 5 years. No referral needed. Stay and Play for parents and children at the same time.

Little Smarties (Children aged 0-6)

All Nations Church, Cardiff.


Little Smarties is part of All Nations Church social action. The team connect with local social workers, midwifes, churches, and other charities, to provide baby starter-packs and clothing and equipment for families with children from 0 to 6 years. Please email to find out more, or to recommend a pack for someone.

Rainbow of Hope (Adults and Children)

33-35 Broadway, Adamsdown, Cardiff. CF24 1QE


Monday to Thursday in the morning- temporarily a few doors down from their usual building - operating hours may vary. 

Free clothing and shoes for asylum seekers in Initial Accommodation or are destitute, please ask staff at Oasis Cardiff for a voucher for free items. Alternatively items are charged at 50p each or 3 for a £1.

Space4U Clothes Store (Adults and Children)

St. German's Church Hall, Star Street, Adamsdown, Cardiff. CF24 0JY


Free clothing and shoes for asylum seekers. Drop-in on Monday morning between 10:00am and 1:00pm.

Wear it Share it (Children aged 18 months -16years)

Providing clothing and shoes for children aged 18 months to 16 years. A professional (e.g. a Support Worker, Health Visitor, Social Worker or staff at Oasis, WRC, Red Cross or Space4U) can apply for you online.

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